The current moment of NFTs

The world of digital art and NFTs is still in an embryonic phase, what we see now, transferred to analog art, are Paleolithic drawings or, at most, Egyptian hieroglyphs. Some works are known, but not the authors and the figure of the artist has not yet been valued.

There is talk of the “Adidas NFT”, of the Bored Apes or the Cryptopunks, that is, the work or its promoters are known but NFT “stars” have not yet appeared. They will appear, and it won't be long, and we are convinced that many of them will emerge in Tik Tak Token. That's what we've come for.

We are aware that the need to have certain computer skills is a strong barrier to enter digital art and we want to help break it down.

Our differential bet

The axis of Tik Tak Token revolves around three concepts:


How are we going to get this?

The main objective of TTT is the continuous creation of value , both for our artists and for our collectors. We want our collections to increase in value over time , no matter where they start from, and we will achieve this in the following ways:

Exclusive releases for collectors who already own NFTs from previous collections on a quarterly basis.

Airdrops of discards and special editions between collectors.

Unique benefits for collectors of certain styles, such as the possibility of exhibiting their collections in our virtual museums in the metaverse, tickets for face-to-face events, etc.

Linking the collections in this way means that each collection always has new people interested in buying it and, therefore, increases in value. New collectors will buy old collections and early collectors will be able to buy without the pressure of having to aim for immediate appreciation.

Perhaps that collection that has not just taken off is the requirement to be able to buy a future great success.

But not only great collectors will benefit, the advantages of having even one of our NFTs will be immediate, becoming part of an increasingly select community.

TTT's exclusive community of collectors will also have access to totally new and experimental NFT collections , which are not usually found in launchers focused only on safe and immediate profit.

We've got some real digital craziness in store that we haven't seen anywhere else yet!

To achieve all this, we are going to launch an efficient and profitable tool, the Golden Rocket NFT , your ticket to a club full of advantages.


Golden Rocket

The NFT of belonging to the Tik Tak Token community

Enter our select club and take advantage of the enormous advantages.

Presales - March 2022

More information HERE



On an artistic level we have three main objectives:

  • Dignify digital art and bring it, for the public, to the level of classical fine art.
  • Help conventional plastic artists interested in taking the step to digital art based on the blockchain and make them aware of all the advantages that this entails.
  • Create tools, training and other types, that help remove barriers to entry and make them available to the general public to help them enter this world.


As a launchpad, our goals are:

  • Become the reference, first in Spanish and then internationally, of digital art launches in NFT.
  • Being the clear reference, from our beginnings, of personal and quality digital art, valuing the figure of the artist or the artistic team.
  • Create a strong and exclusive community of investors and collectors and help them achieve their goals, both financial and artistic.
  • Promote experimentation, new forms of art and bringing concepts of traditional art to its digital version.

Art Supplier

As Digital Art Workshop, our goals are:

  • Become an international benchmark for companies interested in launching loyalty programs through NFTs.
  • Being the connecting link between companies and artists, not only putting them in contact but also managing the entire process of planning, creation, launch, growth and evolution of the project.
  • Offer solutions tailored to each type of company and artist, creating a unique and exceptional range of services.






Start-up of website and social networks.

First sale of the NFT Golden Rocket and creation of a private community of collectors and investors.

Establishment of first collaboration agreements with other projects and communities.

First releases of artistic projects.

First contacts with traditional media.

Contact with artist associations.

Start of attracting first external artists among our contacts in the world of art.

First campaign among interested companies through associations and others.


Strengthening and growth of the private community.

Fortnightly releases of new projects.

Art gallery in the Metaverse.

Contact and collaboration with associations of artists, universities, training centers, galleries and art fairs.

Creation and launch of the first training courses.

Start of attracting artists nationally and internationally.

Mass campaign for companies and NGOs


Incentive program for private community, first airdrops.

Organization of first face-to-face events for the private community, collectors and interested parties.

Organization of a fair or sample of digital art in Mallorca and in the Metaverse simultaneously. First steps.

Collaboration with traditional media for the dissemination of digital art and NFTs.

Agreements with other entities to open delegations in the rest of Spain.

Launch of the scholarship program for training in digital art.

Preparation of material for intensive face-to-face courses.


Increased quality and quantity of periodic releases.

Substantial growth of the gated community.


Progressive decrease in the release of the Golden Rocket to make the private community more and more exclusive.

Progressive but rational increase in the number of launches, being more and more select with new projects.

Consolidation of Digital Art Fair and NFT.

Organization of international awards for digital art and NFT.

Strengthening of the figure of the digital artist in the face of administrations.

Opening of new offices in LATAM and USA.

Launch of the Digital Art Workshop product among the English-speaking, Asian and Middle Eastern communities.